by Byron | Dec 24, 2015 | Information
by Byron | Sep 10, 2015 | Information, Recommendations, Resources
Click here to buy I always appreciate the writings of Seth Godin. One of the books he wrote is The Dip. He describes the drop in something before you finally get to the benefit…. So starting something new causes you to lose productivity or income or momentum...
by Byron | Mar 3, 2010 | Comfort Zone, Encouragement, Information, Life or Death
This post is a little different than most of the others. It’s written for a friend. Come Home When the struggles of your day are greater than you can bear – you know it’s time [to come home]. Jesus promised the load never too heavy, the burden is light with...
by Byron | Nov 22, 2009 | Encouragement, Information
Today outside my window, a new day I see. Only I can determine what kind of day it will be. It can be busy and sunny, laughing and gay or boring and cold, unhappy and gray. My own state of mind is the determining key, for I am only the person I let myself be. I can be...
by Byron | Oct 10, 2009 | Comfort Zone, Encouragement, Information
[It’s been a little while since I’ve made an entry in my blog. My commitment to spend a specific amount of time each day has been challenged a bit. Time to get back to the project then. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. – Byron] One of the themes I’ve spent...
by Byron | Sep 30, 2009 | Encouragement, Information, Recommendations
Who is the best in the world at what you do? It is a very important question. If you’re not the best at what you do, why not? What will it take to become the best? Is mediocre good enough? Who wants mediocre? Nobody starts out being the best in the world at...